We’re recruiting new PhD students!

Are you interested in a 3-year PhD course in Biosciences at the University of Padova?
The call for further PhD scholarships is now published (deadline Nov 28th, 2022 – 1 pm CEST).

ONE scholarship funded by Dipartimento di Biologia (DiBio) in the context of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NextGenerationEU. Project: National Biodiversity Future Center –NBFC CN5-S01 – CUP C93C22002810006 – Topic: Integrating microbiome with the virome analysis to unveil the unseen biodiversity of the Venice lagoon (curriculum: EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION).

Viruses and prokaryotes are numerically far more abundant than any other living component in seas and oceans and contribute significantly to the ecosystem functioning. As regards the Venice lagoon, a coastal transition system strongly influenced by human activities and climate changes, the available metadata are fragmentary for microbes and almost null for viruses. Focusing on contrasting lagoon sites and selected matrices, metagenomic analyses will be used to identify viral sequences and to complement microbiome data obtained by metabarcoding. Unveiling invisible components of marine biodiversity, this project aims to strengthen the knowledge base for studying ecological interactions in fluctuating biological systems.

ONE scholarship funded by Dipartimento di Biologia (DiBio) in the context of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NextGenerationEU. Project: iNEST – Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem – EI-S08 – CUP C43C22000340006 – Topic: Expansion and integration of biological signals generated by marine microorganisms and bivalve molluscs (curriculum: GENETICS, GENOMICS AND BIOINFORMATICS)

The transition towards a digital and green economy requires a paradigm shift in the current approaches for training and R&D actions. Focusing on marine bivalves and microorganisms, this project aims to expand and improve the digitalization of biological signals, from microbiomes and viromes to transcriptomes and metabolomes, to integrate them with data coming from other disciplines leading to maritime, marine and inland water technologies. In fact, the joint modeling of biological and environmental data can ultimately enable timely predictions and effective policy decisions.

If willing to compete, contact for info prof. paola.venier@unipd.it
and launch your application as indicated at the pages hyperlinked here below.
The PhD project activity will start on February 1st, 2023.
Best regards and good luck from Paola Venier and work team colleagues

IT: https://www.unipd.it/dottorato/borse-dottorato-nextgenerationeu; https://www.unipd.it/dottorato/bandi-graduatorie; https://dottorato.biologia.unipd.it
Tematiche: https://www.unipd.it/sites/unipd.it/files/2022/BIOSCIENZE_0.pdf

EN: https://www.unipd.it/en/phd-programmes-calls-and-admissions
Topics at: https://www.unipd.it/en/sites/en.unipd.it/files/Schede%20bando%20PNRR_EN_1.pdf

Doctoral Degrees – PhD Office. Address: Via Venezia 15, 35131 Padova; ground mail: via 8 Febbraio 2 – 35122 Padova; tel. +39 049 827 6071 – fax +39 049 827 6379; e-mail: phd@unipd.it; Public opening hours: Monday: 10-13, Tuesday 10–13 and 15–16.30, Wednesday: 10–13, Thursday: 10–15, Friday: 10-13

3-year PhD course in Biosciences @ University of Padova

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